Pages and Excerpts

Parliamentary Pizza by Bruce Bishop

Awesome, explained clearly and concisely

The following are a few examples from the book:

Make a Motion

A motion is the same as an idea. If a member thinks they have a good idea that they want the organization to consider, the member can share the idea by making a motion. Instead of saying, "I have an idea I'd like to share," the member says "I would like to make a motion", or, more simply, "I move …." All motions must be seconded, debated, and pass by a majority vote.
Parliamentary Pizza by Bruce Bishop - Excerpt
Limit the Number of Times a Member may Speak

Parliamentary authorities are in agreement that no one member should be allowed to monopolize the debate. Accordingly, the rules limit each member to no more than two speeches on any one particular issue. In applying this rule, the chair is directed to not call on any person a second time until every other member is afforded the opportunity to speak a first time.
Parliamentary Pizza by Bruce Bishop - Excerpt
Alternate Between Pro and Con

Another common rule of procedure from these books is that which directs the chair to alternate debate between members who want to speak for a motion and those that want to speak against. This is a very effective rule designed to move debate forward and prevent one side of an issue from dominating discussion. I strongly encourage you to learn and practice this rule.
Parliamentary Pizza by Bruce Bishop - Excerpt
The Members may Limit or Stop Debate

This is an important rule that allows the organization to vote to end debate or limit the amount of time for debate on any issue. Once a member is convinced an issue has had an appropriate amount of debate, the member can make a motion "to close debate." In order to protect the minority this rule is written to require a 2/3 majority vote in favor of closing debate to pass.